manjusha mam review

Hi Students,

                   Now a day as students you are fighting and trying to prove your talents in various fields. Kindly devolop your inner personality. Be optimistic towards whatever you do. Develop your personal traits. Develop your skills. Don’t be a book worm. Have a wider thinking. Be creative and innovative. Develop your communication skills which will inculcate confidence in you. Grab your opportunity. Whenever you get a Chance to speak, make full use of it. Try to self-correct yourself which is the first sign of success in life. Go ahead try to observe speakers and also try to capture certain gestures they use, which will help you to develop your communication. Reading will make you more informative. So take a step ahead and deveolp your reading skill by reading lots of newspaper, magazines, story book etc., Listening builds trust in you, so listen to english seminars or english news. Listening will help you to structure yourself and also the content. We should not forget that we have learnt our mother tongue by listening. Observe others and try to improve yourself. If you follow these simple tips i assure you, that all your skills can be developed so students in this competitive world, i want you all to fight against all your barriers and come out with flying colours.

We trust in you
We understand you
We hope to see the best in you



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